Is The Is Are by DIIV review

Reviewed by: Karina Abbott
Score: 6/10
DIIV, an indie rock band from Brooklyn, New York, formed in 2011. Their first album, “Oshin”, was released in 2012 and did very well. “Is The Is Are”, released February 5th, is their sophomore album, a daunting task for any group to overcome. The second album can be nerve racking, but also freeing as it usually comes closer to what the band really wants to produce. This creative quartet has succeeded in making a record that is not too different from their first, but “Is The Is Are” has definitely cut the cord from “Oshin” and is making its own waves. The album flows effortlessly and creates a powerful wall of sound; its fit to be the soundtrack for any terrifying/enlightening art film, as it is both beautiful and dark. This record blurs the lines of instrumentals, and obscures vocals to create an introspective mood, as a true shoegaze album should. DIIV is a talented dream pop band with a bright future, even if their music can get a bit broody at times. This ambient collection of songs is great to listen to while studying or creating art of your own. My favorite songs were the title track “Is The Is Are” and “Take Your Time”, but with a total of 17 tracks this album has a lot more to love, so make sure to give it a listen.

RIYL: Beach House, Hibou, Ringo Deathstar
FCC Violations: 5, 13, 16
Favorite Tracks: 4, 6, 8, 9, 14

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