KURE is Hiring!

KURE is now hiring for a new Internal Music Director (IMD) and a new Chief Engineer.

The Chief Engineer is responsible for maintaining KURE equipment and making sure all equipment is working as expected. Chief Engineer is also responsible for proposing new project ideas that will help KURE broadcast, or technical longevity, whether that is upgrading equipment, or configuring the equipment in a different manner. If you are interested in this role and believe you are a good fit, please check out the following link to see the application form and the position description. 

The Internal Music Director at KURE is mainly responsible for the curation of KURE’s music library. This includes sorting, organization, data management of the library itself, as well as assigning and collecting reviews to and from members of the Music Reviewing Committee (MRC).
If you are interested in this role and believe you are a good fit, please check out the following link to see the application form and the position description. 

Please also message admins@kure885.org once you have completed your application so the Upper Management team is aware of your interest.

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