Reviewed by: Michael Sila
Score: 8.5/10
Young the Giant is an alt rock band with an electronica-y feel. This is the third album by them. It opens up with “Amerika” and delivers powerful songs; By powerful I mean songs you could jam out to while driving full speed down a no-name highway or run at a medium pace with. The album them, in traditional young the giant fashion, slows down. The middle section are songs you’d want to listen to 2 hours before going out or like an hour after coming back from the bars. “Repeat” is an album completely out of it’s element; It seems like something I could play to my mom and she would enjoy. However, it sets the mood for “silvertounge”, which brings back a faster pace, which it keeps for the rest of the album.
Overall, the songs were alright. It’s not the type of album you could listen to on repeat, but it’s definitely something you’d keep on your iPod and pull out in the right moments.
FCC: None
RIYL: Passion Pit
Favorite Tracks: 2 and 8