Kaleidoquiz Steps for Registration February 9, 2015 Once you sign up for a team at kq.kure885.org, you will receive the following email. Read it carefully, as it will contain many important…
65th Birthday Celebration 10/17 October 17, 2014 The station is celebrating its 65th birthday today the seventeenth of October! Come and celebrate with us on campus with cake and music on…
KURE Fest 2014 Line Up September 13, 2014 Thursday October 2nd: Open Mic 8PM @ The Maintenance Shop Featuring Patrick and Chris from Gloom Balloon. Come show us what you’ve got! All…
Orange Leaf KURE Fest Fundraiser! September 2, 2014 KURE Fest is having a fundraiser at Orange Leaf on Thursday from 4pm to 10pm. Bring your friends and support KURE and KURE Fest!