Public Service Announcements

PSAs come from national and local non-profit and charitable organizations and are intended to inform the public of facts and events which are beneficial to the common good. All PSAs broadcast on KURE must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Relevant to listeners in the immediate KURE broadcast area.
  • The message is non-partisan and secular.
  • The message does not promote any company (including its products, message, or websites).
  • The sponsoring organization is clearly identified.
  • PSAs promoting trade organizations or their interests are generally discouraged.
  • With the exception of short readers, denote a means of obtaining more information about the message or event in question.

If your group would like a PSA to be broadcast on KURE, send a copy of your script or press release to

For business or trade organization promotions through KURE broadcasts, please visit theΒ underwriting page.